A spider in your car is not a situation anyone wants to experience while driving, and that is something most people can agree on. Driving while one crawls on you can be quite frightening, especially while you’re trying to be focused on the road. If you find yourself in this situation, keep in mind that can trust Toyota of Clermont to have the best tips on how to get a spider out of your car. Our Clermont Toyota experts will help you get rid of spiders from your car and keep them out with these simple tricks!
Let’s find out how spiders get into your Clermont car.
Through small cracks in the roof of your car, spiders can enter your vehicle. For this reason, it's important to close every opening in your car in order to prevent spiders from getting inside, since spiders can enter through open windows, doors, and cracks.
Investigate these hideouts:
Air vents
Underneath the dash
Inside the side view mirrors
Car seat crevices
Now that you know where to look for your eight-legged friends, let’s learn how to actually get rid of spiders in your car. Our Clermont Toyota dealership has the best know-how when it comes to actually comes to know how to get a spider out of your car!
5 easy steps to get a spider out of your car
Step #1: Keep a clean car
Cleaning your Clermont Toyota is the first step you should take. Make sure that trash and other belongingas are removed. You will want to also make sure that any crumbs on the floor are vacuumed. This is important even if you don't have spiders in your vehicle in order to prevent them from getting in. In Clermont, Florida, a dirty car can even lead to roaches.
Step 2: Make sure your garage is clean and don't park near junk
It helps to ensure that your garage is clean and free of debris wherever your Clermont Toyota is parked. In addition, this will help ensure that no spiders find their way into your car.
Step 3: Seal all the gaps
In case of broken rubber seals, replace them as soon as possible. These small cracks in your Clermont Toyota are easily penetrated by spiders of different sizes. Use a wet washcloth to clean dirty rubber seals.
Step 3: Use a spider exterminator to eliminate spiders in hidden spaces
There are many types of spider exterminators that can remove spiders found in hidden spaces fin your Clermont Toyota. The use of essential oils is also an option. For example, you can take citrus, peppermint, and eucalyptus essential oils and put them on a cotton ball or fabric, dip it in vinegar, and lay it in your car.
Step 4: Use spider traps in your car
If you want to get the spiders out of your car, you can set spider traps in it. The traps are usually glue traps that are designed specifically for catching spiders. The purpose of spider traps is to capture spiders in very hidden places. Furthermore, they can be easily replaced and removed.
Let Toyota of Clermont help you with your pest problem!
Need help getting rid of spiders in the car? Give us a call! Toyota of Clermont is open seven days a week. We are conveniently located just off the Florida Turnpike at 16851 State Road 50. So reach out to our Clermont Toyota service center at (352) 404-7001. We would love to help you get spiders out of your Clermont Toyota.