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Six types of car accidents and how to avoid them

Getting into a car accident - regardless of what type of accident it is - is a terrible feeling. You have to worry about damage to your car, damage to the other car (or whatever it is that you hit), injuries to people, your insurance rates going up, getting a ticket for the accident... the list of worries can seem endless.

Toyota of Clermont tips

However, there are steps that you can take to avoid getting into car accidents in the first place, and one of them includes educating yourself about the most common types of car accidents and how to avoid them. Check out this quick guide from the experts at our Toyota of Clermont body shop!

Don't let these car accidents happen to you

Type #1: Rear-end collision

This is one of the most common types of car accidents, and it occurs when you run your Clermont Toyota into the back of the car in front of you. All it takes is a second of you not paying attention to the road for the car in front of you to suddenly stop and leave you in a lurch. To avoid this type of collision, keep your eyes on the road at all times and pay attention to what you're doing. It's also smart to leave plenty of distance between your car and the car in front of you so you have lots of room to come to a sudden stop if need be.

Type #2: Intersection collision

Another common type of collision is when you pull through an intersection only to be struck by another vehicle. This typically happens when one of you is running a yellow or red light, or turning without checking the road. To avoid an intersection car accident, don't speed through yellow lights to make them. You should also look both ways before pulling through an intersection to ensure it's clear.

Type #3: Backing out collision

This type of car accident happens when you back your Clermont Toyota into another vehicle or object (like a pole, building, sign, etc.). It's easy to do, as backing out isn't the easiest thing. However, your best bet to avoid this situation is to NOT rely solely on your backup camera. It comes in handy, but it doesn't show you everything behind you. Instead, use it in addition to turning around to physically look and make sure your way is clear before backing out.

car collisions

Type #4: Parking lot collision

Another terrible feeling is walking out to your car to see damage that wasn't there when you left it. Avoid this type of damage by parking further out - most people like to park close to the entrance of the building. Parking far out means fewer cars will be around. Additionally, avoid parking near blind curves or blind spots where you're more likely to be hit.

Type #5: Windshield damage

Have you ever been driving down the highway and had a rock fly up and ding your windshield (we're looking at you, I-4)? This type of damage can leave you with chips and cracks in your windshield glass that need to be repaired. Avoid this type of car accident by leaving space in between your ca and the car in front of you. If their tire kicks up even a pebble, it can become a tiny missile that can damage your car.

Type #6: Weather damage

We get plenty of bad weather here in Central Florida, especially in the summer and in hurricane season. Avoid damage to your car by choosing where to park carefully. Garage or covered parking is your best bet, and you want to park on high ground and away from any trees or poles that could be blown over onto your ride.

Schedule repairs at Toyota of Clermont

Have questions or need auto repairs after a car accident? The Toyota of Clermont body shop is here to help! Call us today at (352) 404-6006 or stop by and see us. We're conveniently located just off the Florida Turnpike at 16851 State Road 50.

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