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What to do if you encounter another driver with road rage


If you've ever encountered another driver with road rage, you know just how frightening it can be. Road rage is when someone gets - to put it simply - really, really angry behind the wheel. The most common causes? Traffic, delays, and lateness. It can also be a learned behavior (so watch your manners behind the wheel, parents) and the anonymity factor also plays into it. Drivers have less of a problem being rude or aggressive if they feel like they'll never see the other driver again.

Toyota of Clermont tips

What is road rage?

What is road rage? Basically, it's when a driver gets aggressive behind the wheel. Behaviors include:

  • Speeding

  • Weaving in and out of lanes

  • Swerving in front of cars and cutting them off

  • Tailgating other vehicles

  • Driving slowly to hinder others from getting by

  • Honking, yelling and making rude gestures

  • Bumping another car on purpose

  • Trying to have an in-person confrontation

All of the above can quickly result in a car accident.

How to handle road rage when you're behind the wheel

So, do you know how to react when you encounter another driver with road rage? Here are some quick Clermont Toyota tips:

  • Don't engage them. It's a losing situation and not only can it just enrage them even more, but it also takes your attention off the road and the task at hand - driving defensively to keep you, your Clermont Toyota, and everyone around you safe.

  • Try to get out of their way. If they're tailgating you or trying to swerve around you, get out of their way. We're talking as far as possible - even if it means pulling off the road and into a public, well-lit parking lot. You can also change lanes or slow down to put as much space in between your Clermont Toyota and theirs.

  • Don't stop. Even if they want you to stop and have an in-person confrontation with them, don't do it. It won't end well for either of you and isn't worth the risk of them getting violent.

  • Make sure they don't follow you. When you put a bit of space in between you, make sure they're not following you to retaliate or take things further. If they are, you can contact police to let them know what's going on and get help.

defensive driving tips

Have more questions? Call Toyota of Clermont today at (352) 404-7000 or stop by and see us at 16851 State Road 50, just off the Florida Turnpike.

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